Oct. 26 is League of Women Voters Day in Rochester

The League has been working to empower voters and protect democracy in Rochester for 100 years! Mayor Malik Evans and County Exec Adam Bello will both issue proclamations declaring Oct. 26 to be League of Women Voters Day in Rochester. To celebrate, we're working with a big coalition of our partners to organize a very festive Get Out the Vote event. We’ll be at Parcel 5 (285 East Main Street), Saturday, Oct 26, 12-3pm.
  • A marching band will start the festivities
  • March down to vote at the Board of Elections or board the shuttle bus that will circulate between the BOE and Parcel 5
  • Food trucks-- free food for the first 200 people!
  • Face-painting and a mock election for the kids.
  • Live music
  • Hosted by popular comic Yolanda Smilez
  • Warm beverages
  • Get a special "I Voted" sticker, winner of our sticker contest!

On Oct. 26 a person can register to vote and then cast an affidavit ballot at the same time. Know anyone who's never voted? Bring them along and initiate them! Bring your friends and celebrate that we’ve been Making Democracy Work here in Rochester for 100 years and we’re still going strong.

What Should We Ask Congressional Candidates?

What do you want to hear from the candidates? We're cosponsoring televised debates for the 24th and 25th Congressional districts this week. We will be submitting questions for moderator Adam Chodak to ask. Send your questions to candidate.events@lwv-rma.org.

We can bring a few guests to studio for the two debates. If you're interested in attending, please send an email to candidate.events@lwv-rma.org indicating your interest.

Televised Congressional Debates

25th District

Incumbent Joe Morelle will debate challenger Gregg Sadwick on Wednesday, Oct 24 at 7pm. The debate will be broadcast live on Channel 8, WROC.

24th District

For the first time we will be sponsoring a debate for the 24th district, which surrounds Rochester on all sides. Incumbent Claudia Tenney will debate challenger David Wagenhauser. The debate will be taped in advance and broadcast on Thursday, Oct. 25 at 7pm on Channel 8, WROC.

Announcing the Winners of our "I Voted" Sticker Contest

We received 23 creative and wide-ranging submissions to our first-ever sticker contest. Our panel of judges discussed and admired them and chose the six finalists. Hundreds of members of the public used ranked-choice voting to select the winners. We thank all the participants in this fun contest. The winner has been printed and will be distributed on Oct. 26 at League of Women Voters Day (see above). They will be showing up at various locations (like the MCC mock elections) as long as supplies last.

First Place Winner

Artist: Diana Julian

Second Place Winner

Artist: Zoe Litt

Third Place Winner

Artist: Jewelia Buenaflor

25th Congressional Debate: Morelle v. Sadwick

Televised on WROC


The League was founded on the principle that everyone has the right to vote, and encourages all citizens to exercise that right. Find out everything you need to register to vote, and to the polls.


The League has information to help you understand important issues of the day through our forums on topics such as climate change, health care and redistricting. We also sponsor candidate debates to help you decide which candidates deserve your vote.


Volunteer with the League! We have opportunities to register voters and to help get underrepresented citizens to the polls. Help us provide the programs and events that help the League make democracy happen.

LWV-RMA Resources

Join our mailing list to get events updates, and opportunities to get involved. 

Read the current or past issues of our newsletter, The Voter, or subscribe to receive a link to The Voter each month in your email. 

Check out our YouTube Channel to see all of our past educational events and candidate forums.

Get to know Vote411, a national resource that has all the election information you need:

  • Register to vote, or verify your registration
  • Find your polling place
  • See what's on your ballot and find information on Candidates

Find out Who Represents You, at every level of government and how to contact them.

Upcoming Events

25th Congressional Debate: Morelle v. Sadwick

Televised on WROC

24th Congressional District Debate

A debate between the candidates for the 24th Congressional district (which surrounds Rochester on the east, south and west sides) will...

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Meet Your Ballot

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The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, political organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League is NOT limited to women — men can join in Making Democracy Work as well. View our Non-Partisan policy here.